Sunday, October 9, 2011

Height Increase Supplements Part 1

When all exercises to increase height you have done, it won’t be perfect without the great inside, the height increase supplements will make it perfect. When you stretch your body to make it taller, of course you need supplements to support your body, especially if we talk about Human Growth Hormones which are really needed to make your bone longer and strong.
Height increase supplements are good if you take them naturally. Of course I won’t suggest you to try chemical things or height increase pills supplements, because it is dangerous to take. Keep on your exercises to make your bones longer.

The best supplements are from nature food. You can get the supplements from milk, meat, egg, etc. However, all you should notice before taking or buying food, you should know what they are, and what their advantages ? are they good to be supplements for your height increase program.
First let's understand that there are 6 important nutrients needed for growth and good health and though all play a vital role in a well balanced diet, let us focus most of our attention on 3 , they are :

Vitamins are organic substances necessary for life and essential for growth. To receive the proper vitamin intake, a well-balanced diet is recommended. However, supplements may be taken where needed but not as a substitute for food. Supplements should be taken after each square meal, or once after the largest meal for proper absorption.
Vitamin A (retinol, carotene)
What it does:
1. Promotes growth and strong bones.
2. Aid for healthy skin, hair, teeth and gums.
3. Helps build resistance to infections etc.
Best sources from Carrots, liver, egg yolk, milk, green and yellow vegetables, margarine, and yellow fruits.
If your diet includes ample amounts of spinach, liver, sweet potatoes, or cantaloupe, it is not likely you'll need a supplement.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
What it does:
1. Promotes growth.
2. Aids in prevention of beriberi and nervous disorders.
3. Aids digestion.
4. Helps heart and nervous system function properly.
Best sources from Pork, rice, whole wheat, dried yeast, peanuts, soybeans, peas and green vegetables.
More effective when used in B-complex formulas.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
What it does:
1. Promotes growth and aids in reproduction.
2. Promotes healthy skin, hair, nails.
3. Helps maintain good eyesight etc.
Best sources from Milk, liver, eggs, fish, kidney, yeast, leafy green vegetables.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridadne, Pyridixinal)
What it does:
1. Reduces night muscle spasms, leg cramps, hand numbness and certain forms of neuritis.
2. Properly assimilates protein and fat.
3. Works as a natural diuretic etc.
Best sources from Liver, brewers yeast, cabbage, black strap molasses, canta loupe, beef and kidney.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalarnin)
What it does:
1. Promotes growth
2. Increases energy
3. Forms and generates red blood cells.
4. Helps balance and concentration.
Best sources from Cheese, liver, kidney, pork and beef.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid, Cevitamin Acid)
What it does:
1. Aids in healthy bones and teeth.
2. Prevents scurvy.
3. Helps treat and prevent common colds.
4. Enables protein cells to hold together.
5. Aids blood vessel circulation.
Best sources from Citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, cauliflower, raw cabbage and potatoes.
Vitamin D (Calciferal, Viosterol, Ergosterol)
What it does:
1. Essential for strong bones and teeth.
2. Prevents rickets, which deteriorates bones and could cause bowed legs, knock knees and poor posture.
3. Aids treatment of conjunctivitis.
4. Aids vitamin A.
Best sources from Milk products, fish liver oil, fish meats and sunlight.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
What it does:
1. Supplies oxygen to the body for more endurance.
2. Essential for virility.
3. Helps prevent and destroy blood clots.
Best sources from Wheat germ, eggs, leafy greens, soy beans, spinach, whole wheat, and broccoli.
Vitamin F (Unsaturated Fatty Acids Linoleic and Arachidonic)
What it does:
1. Aids in growth.
2. Helps prevent heart disease.
3. Helps prevent cholesterol deposits in arteries.
Best sources from Vegetable oils, walnuts, pecans, and almonds, soybeans, linseed and sunflower oils.
Vitamin K (Menadione)
What it does:
1. Aids in proper blood clotting.
2. Helps prevent internal bleeding and hemorrhaging.
Best sources from Egg yolk, yogurt, fish liver oils, soybean, green vegetables and kelp.
Proper amounts of vitamins will differ depending on individual characteristics and diet. Certain dosages may not be suitable for all individuals and could be detrimental to your health. Please seek advice of a physician when supplementing with vitamins. All vitamins in this chapter will not be needed however, they are noted because of their ability to work well in a totally balanced diet.
 Height Increase Supplements Part 2

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