Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How Increase Height In 3 weeks Part 3

How Increase Height In 3 weeks Part 3

7.    Stand with your hands on your hips. Keep your hands on your hips and bend forward as far as possible, leading with your head. Don’t bend your knees and keep your chin off of your chest. Each repetition should last between 4-8 seconds. 

8.     Standing up with hands held together behind your neck, bend your head upwards and back as far as possible. Each repetition should last 5-15 seconds. 

9.      Standing up, reach your hands up as high as you can as you lean slightly back. Feel the stretch in your lower spine. The Super Stretch can be done standing up or lying down. 

Because this stretch Is easy and comfortable, we encourage you to do this not only as part of a program but also at odd times like when you are watching TV or lying in bed. Each repetition should last between 4-7 seconds.
10.  Standing with your hands together behind your neck, bend forward as far as possible. Lead with your head. Bring your chin Into your chest. Don’t bend your knees. Each repetition should last between 4-8 seconds. 

11. Standing up against a wall, reach your hands up as high as possible while getting on you tip toes. Keep your spine flat against the wall as much as possible. Each repetition should last between 4-6 seconds. This stretch Is harder than It looks because you are keeping your spine flat against the wall. 

12.      Standing with your arms straight out at shoulder level, twist your upper body to the left and right while your legs and hips remain still. The twist to each side should last between 2-4 seconds. 

 How Increase Height In 3 weeks Part4

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